Kontiki Vocational Training Ltd
Budapest, Hungary
The Kontiki vocational training Ltd (limited company) is a public benefit non-profit organisation located in Budapest, Hungary.
Kontiki Ltd. runs a private vocational school that gives approximately 300 fifteen- to twenty-five-year-old students a second chance. The school caters to students with special educational needs and drop-outs. Our work aims to support these students in reintegrating into society and the school system by providing alternative forms of education and broadening their horizons with various awareness activities and national and international projects.
The school staff represent numerous professions because we believe that people from different professional backgrounds complement and inspire one another and create extra value. Our founders and co-workers include teachers, special education teachers, developmental teachers, social workers, economists, information specialists, legal professionals, environmentalists, anthropologists, psychologists, artists, mediators, mental health experts, supervisors, managers, administrators, vocational teachers, engineers, acrobats, communication experts, guidance experts, animators, and documentarists. Some of these professionals focus on working with adolescents, others work with adults and the families of the adolescents.
We run an inclusive school which means that it’s open to new students from all backgrounds throughout the school year. In our six-week introductory programme, new students become acquainted with the school, its system, and the teachers and their abilities are tested using non-formal educational methods. Furthermore, every new student has a mentor to help out with problems related to their studies such as choosing a profession, realising their career plans, or structuring an individual learning plan.
The CanHelp team is responsible for the mental health of our students. The team helps them to deal with the social difficulties they often face, shows them how to manage conflicts and aggression, and supports the development and maintenance of a positive school atmosphere.
To date, we have participated in various international projects dealing with drop-outs (Open the Doors, CHRIS), inclusion, deradicalisation in schools (European Fair Skills), dual vocational training (Hamburg Model, Veste), and sustainability (Ökokapocs).